Escape Addiction LLC is an addiction services company that was formed by an addict, for addicts.
My name is Jarrod Bourgeois and I am the owner and director of Escape Addiction. I spent seventeen years as a hopeless drug addict and now possess almost nine years of clean time.
On my own road to recovery, I have developed and improved my own coping mechanisms, trigger releases, and recovery tools. I am extremely driven and passionate to help those suffering. I have been in the Addiction Services field for almost four years now but still have fresh ideas. I have been through three different inpatient addiction centers as a patient and came out with a basket of tools that I can now provide to people like you.
I got my Addiction Worker degree from Trios College in Mississauga, Canada where I earned the highest academic achievement award. I attained an internship and then went on to work as an Addiction Counselor for Salvation Army Lighthouse Shelter and also separately for their family shelter in Oakville, Canada. I also worked for the Tampa Metro Treatment Center in Tampa, FL where I attained some great experience and got to see firsthand how a Methadone/Suboxone clinic operates. I am trained and certified in CPR/first aid and NVCI(Non-Violent Crisis Intervention), and a member of the National Association for Addiction Professionals.
I am not trying to convince you that I am more qualified than the next Addiction worker. I am saying I live this – eat, breath, and drink from the fountain of self-improvement.
I am honest with myself and about improving my recovery skills. More importantly than all the schooling, certifications, and work experience – I have the lived experience. I dragged myself through hell and pulled myself out through the grace of God and the drive to pass everything I have learned and continue to learn onto you.
Come and join me today! Use the sign-up form to schedule a free consultation, going through the options doesn’t cost you a thing, but could end up being everything you need.