My Story

Addiction comes in many different shapes and sizes. People are different. Addicts are different. Many of us are the typical ego-centric maniac with an inferiority complex. This is the one I fit in. Others are shy or anxiety filled individuals. Some suffer from PTSD or some other form of serious abuse or trauma. Others just got lost somewhere along the way or ended up hanging with the wrong crowd. Many athletes or just simply people that get injured are prescribed pain medications, and simply never get off them – or worse, move on to heroin.

Why should there be one way for treating all?

There should be multiple approaches and facets of treating addiction according to the individual. Addiction treatment definitely must be tailored to the individual suffering from the disease. I use the term addict often, and I hear it is not politically correct in the field, but one: I am not 100% textbook, and two: I love and have compassion for those suffering from addiction.

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